It's a Vibe
Its a vibe candle is exactly what it sounds like! Its a note of palo santo to give you a cleansing space, but also helps with calming any emotional blockage you may have.
Palo Santo Healing Benefits:
-Supports in respiratory system
- Cleansing your space of negative energy inviting new energy in
Candle care Instructions
Keep an eye out. Place your candle within eyesight + away from any flammable items.
Allow your candle to burn until the full surface has melted - this ensures that your candle reaches a full melt pool + burns evenly for its full life.
If you extinguish your candle before a full melt pool is formed, your candle will tunnel. This greatly reduces the lifespan of your candleBurning your candle for longer than this will create a "mushroom" effect on the wick. This is a carbon build up on the wick (which is a result of the candle consuming more wax than it can burn off), which causes an unstable flame (too large or flickering), soot to build up on the container rim and soot to release from the flame.