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Our Mission

In 2019, DREAM launched the first-ever Black trans-affirmative candle company, WE L.I.T!, with a mission to ground, center, and affirm all Black trans identities and expressions. This initiative not only provides a platform for uplifting the Black trans community but also nurtures the necessary healing that each individual deserves. WE L.IT! is not just a candle company but centered in community first! 

Under DREAM's thoughtful guidance, WE L.I.T! is not just a candle company. It encourages a transformative approach to candle lighting, traditionally associated with mourning and loss of a community memember. Instead, WE L.I.T! promotes the practice of lighting candles in celebration, recognizing and honoring individual truth every day.

Through DREAM's multifaceted work, they are creating a powerful narrative of affirmation, celebration, and truth, providing a beacon of hope and recognition for the Black trans community. 

We L.I.T! is a one-person candle company started by DREAM with a joined effort and supporting of Black queer artists in the community. We L.I.T! stands for "We Live In Truth" and the FIRST Black Trans -nonbinary gender affirming candle company. The goal of which is to affirm Black trans and nonbinary individuals in their gender identity and expression. Our focus is  on the emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being of our community, and healing through one candle at a time!

We are vegan friendly and use 100% organic waxes and raw materials and different earth elements in our candles; such as crystals and herbs and many more. Our  candle jars are all reusable ! Most of our packaging products are recycled and repurposed to lower environmental harm. ;  We use air tight controlled jars to keep your favorite scents in compacts, with atleast a year time span without any all the chemicals! Yes we are that badass! We are mindful of individuals who may be scent sensitive, so some scents may be less strong than others because we want to be inclusive of everyone needs!

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